Every miracle in the world starts with a spark. A need and an urge to respond to the need. May be a feeling of helplessness and yet the throbbing...
Uniforms! Symbol of Branding!! Green Card Campaign with Uniform Store! By Roshin Bobby / NV Paulose / Sylvia Castelino What is there in a uniform? Do you have a...
Essence of INDIA can be described in five points! By Gayathri Vishwanath Intellectual Neutral Developmental Inspirational Action The essence of India is described in these five things. Every important...
Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...
Who is going transform India and build the nation to become a role model for the entire world? Climbing up and Reaching Success is the Mission Kerala and Kodagu...
Leave action in hands of youth Political leaders should inspire youth to act By Santosh Goenka / NV Paulose Santosh Goenka, SN Ramesh, NV Paulose at Guhantara ...
Drawing lines between Human and Snakes! By Prasadam Industries When we came across a few villagers beating a non-venomous Rat Snake to death for merely being a snake it...
Zero Capital Multi Centre Career Centric (M) 9844182044 (W) 8762895419 Control over Indian people by hook or crook and to collapse our economic systems was a way of the...
One Theme! One Million Career Contact (M) 9844182044 (W) 8762895418 India at this juncture require mass campaigns that can create large career avenues for the youngsters. Large number of...
The Future of AI and Social Media: Dr. Sam...
Unsung Heroes and Unyielding Ambitions: A Conversation with Wing...
Strengthening Regional Collaboration: Dr. Ravi’s Vision for Industry-Academia Partnerships...
The Evolving Role of Universities in a Changing World...
Mangaluru | 16th February 2023: A Day of Visionary...
Dr. Thomas Hahn Advocates for a Sustainable Economic Future...
SEnergy-25 International Seminar on Sustainable Communication | Global TV...
ഹൃദയത്തിൽ സ്വപ്നം നിറക്കുന്നവരാണ് നല്ല അദ്ധ്യാപകർ | ജീവിതത്തിൽ പ്രതീക്ഷ നൽകുന്നതും...