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Single Window effort to give an over all growth for the City! By NV Paulose It was a positive approach from all sides to see something really happening in...

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Cost of Unnecessary Capital is the Cause of Collapse! By NV Paulose We should be able to multiply revenue without incurring additional investments. The equation is simple. It is...

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Out of the Box is for people who are in the box! Says SN Ramesh Being inbox is possible only for syllabus based people says SN Ramesh, Mg. Director...

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Youth Activation is the need of the hour! By Sylvia Castelino There is reservation everywhere. There are reasons for that and purpose for each such decisions. We are not...

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Rashi Eco Tourism! a Role Model from Karnataka! Photo Caption: SN Ramesh! The Miracle Maker in Tourism Sector India should understand the potential for economic progress in a very...

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