Technology and Time! Permutations and Combinations!! By NVP 9844182044 Satellite and Cables? What is the difference for a viewer? Quality? Or Participation? Everything that are one sided are fading....
Every miracle in the world starts with a spark. A need and an urge to respond to the need. May be a feeling of helplessness and yet the throbbing...
Doctor from Mangalore, invited to see patient in Zurich, Switzerland Dr. PP Devan, ENT consultant and Medical Director of Shilpa health care has been invited to go to Zurich,...
Uniforms! Symbol of Branding!! Green Card Campaign with Uniform Store! By Roshin Bobby / NV Paulose / Sylvia Castelino What is there in a uniform? Do you have a...
JR Lobo likely to be chosen for Parliament Election!? Viewpoint by NV Paulose Political predictions are very complex and the equations are fluctuating even at the last moment but...
Tourism model should be Sustainable and Social; Seminar at School of Roshni Nilaya Mangalore By Rashmi Agarval EQUATIONS (Equitable Tourism Options) is a research, campaign and advocacy organisation....
Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...
Sometime immediate and some time delayed but justice has to come and deliver it at the footsteps of the upright and truthful. By NV Paulose Sometime immediate and some...
Both Sides of the coin are throwing the nation from frying pan to fire! By NV Paulose India suppose to be the most advanced nation in the world by...
LANDMARK DEALINGS | To connect and to place landmark...
To her children; Sanu, Sethu, and Suku, she was...
Writing with Thinking is a Career by Itself; Connect...
The 19th Branch of MCC Bank Ltd., was inaugurated...
The Future of AI and Social Media: Dr. Sam...
Home Editions and Team Editions | Expandi UDF Ventures...
സർവ്വ ശക്തനായ ദൈവത്തിനു സ്തുതിയും ആരാധനയും എല്ലായ്പ്പോഴും അർപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ഞങ്ങൾ യാത്ര...
Sahakara Bharati Celebrates International Women’s Day, Emphasizes the Role...