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Video Recorded at Vimala Aunty’s House The Most Handsome Man I have ever seen around. By NV Paulose Abdul Raheem Teekay inspires me to be upright and active. He...

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TTT Crime! That speaks all about them! Unique education system is very unique. Know what is TTT Crime. It is easy then to know how unique is unique and...

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Report By Dr. Ananthapadhmanabha Achar Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management (JKSHIM), NITTE and Karnataka Bank Limited (KBL) came together, along with the members of the MSME Industry to celebrate...

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Inclusive Growth for Employment and Economic Progress; CA GS Kamath  By Kiran Kuvalkar Social growth and employment development has to happen in smaller towns than in metropolitan cities; said...

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  Two decades Campaign from Dr. SRINIVAS RAMAKA Medical Director of Srinivasa Heart Foundation and Limca Record Holder for the largest CPR Training Program ever conducted in India. You can...

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Do We Get A Second Chance to Correct Our Mistakes? By Windsaid Wisdom Becoming part of the universe is the best wisdom that every part of it and every...

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Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas    Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...

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Both Sides of the coin are throwing the nation from frying pan to fire! By NV Paulose India suppose to be the most advanced nation in the world by...

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One Theme! One Million Career Contact (M) 9844182044 (W) 8762895418 India at this juncture require mass campaigns that can create large career avenues for the youngsters. Large number of...

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Lot of Imaginations that can take us into New Dimensions! By Dr. K. Sankaran The world of uniformity of thinking, right versus wrong, clear demarcations of self and the...

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