Video Recorded at Vimala Aunty’s House The Most Handsome Man I have ever seen around. By NV Paulose Abdul Raheem Teekay inspires me to be upright and active. He...
TTT Crime! That speaks all about them! Unique education system is very unique. Know what is TTT Crime. It is easy then to know how unique is unique and...
Report By Dr. Ananthapadhmanabha Achar Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management (JKSHIM), NITTE and Karnataka Bank Limited (KBL) came together, along with the members of the MSME Industry to celebrate...
Two decades Campaign from Dr. SRINIVAS RAMAKA Medical Director of Srinivasa Heart Foundation and Limca Record Holder for the largest CPR Training Program ever conducted in India. You can...
Do We Get A Second Chance to Correct Our Mistakes? By Windsaid Wisdom Becoming part of the universe is the best wisdom that every part of it and every...
Transformation of Politicians is the need of the hour: Dr. CP Habeeb Rahman By Uttam Vishwas Transformation of politicians is an important requirement today. It is the only...
Both Sides of the coin are throwing the nation from frying pan to fire! By NV Paulose India suppose to be the most advanced nation in the world by...
One Theme! One Million Career Contact (M) 9844182044 (W) 8762895418 India at this juncture require mass campaigns that can create large career avenues for the youngsters. Large number of...
Lot of Imaginations that can take us into New Dimensions! By Dr. K. Sankaran The world of uniformity of thinking, right versus wrong, clear demarcations of self and the...
Writing with Thinking is a Career by Itself; Connect...
The 19th Branch of MCC Bank Ltd., was inaugurated...
LANDMARK DEALINGS | To connect and to place landmark...
The Future of AI and Social Media: Dr. Sam...
Unsung Heroes and Unyielding Ambitions: A Conversation with Wing...
Dr. Jolly Jose’s work has been instrumental in shaping...
Assoc. Prof. Vineetha K. Highlights Forensic Expertise at CRIFO...
Sylvie D’Sa: Championing Career-Focused Education at Frameboxx Mangalore |...